We bought a home

India trip and relocation to BC were mere life updates in comparison to entering a new phase in life by buying our first home.

I now feel “settled” and more connected to Canada, even more that what I felt after becoming her citizens

I truly found peace and experienced once again being ‘content‘ in life after my home purchase. I was truly happy. It took me a long time to buy one but eventually was not a victim of FOMO during real estate craze of Canada and found a home that had everything that I desired.

We became Canadian citizens

Posted 2 Twitter threads and WhatsApp message about this

We moved to BC

After the birth of Ved probably there were 2 big updates that followed within a span of few months.

First was the India trip and then we returned back not to Toronto, but to British Colombia

In a way this was way bigger than moving to Canada in 2011. I was well settled, had a great social circle. But something was missing and I was “done” with Toronto. Maybe “mid-life” crisis. permanant relocation was not even really for Ved. I desparately wanted a change. A complete overhaul.

Now that we have completed almost a year, I have zero regrets.